Illustrator, Designer, Software Developer
Sept 2023 - Dec 2023
Adobe Illustrator, Procreate
I was inspired to create this game by my experiences in a class during my freshman year, where I developed a storybook that used handpose to flip the pages. Additionally, the concept also drew from my potential Capstone idea, which centers on an interactive book.
I’ve always enjoyed cooking and baking when I am home and have time, and I wanted to combine my hobby within this project. Overall, this project has been really fun to work with so far and I’m excited to see where it can go next.
I went to office hours to talk about the interaction between my images and decided to start by console logging results before actually having images swap.
1. A sketch that successfully integrated the drag and drop interaction.
2. One where the mouse can drag the images and the console log detects whether or not the images are inside the bowl or not.
- Successfully combine the two sketches I completed for the midterm (one was responsive with the image overlap detection, and the other has handpose implemented properly.
- Figure out how to shuffle the placement of the ingredients.
- Add in a timer.
- Add in sound to make the game more immersive.
- Add in an instruction page.
- Include instructions for the game so players not in our ML class know what to do.
- Make ingredient and bowl overlap feedback more responsive (add in affect to help users understand the ingredient was placed in the bowl).
- Create transitionary animations such as mixing the bowl.