April 2022 - May 2022
Multi-User Photobooth
A Multi-User Photobooth designed to create a fun way for people to interact from afar during COVID. It offers fun filters, allowing users to engage and capture memories together, even while physically distanced. Updated Nov 2024.*
Try it Out
Sept 2024 - Dec 2024
Flexi Frame
Product Research/Design
A four-month product design project dedicated to redesigning clothes hangers with a focus on sustainability and modularity. The process included in-depth research, iterative testing, and multiple rounds of physical prototyping to refine the design.
Nov 2023 - Dec 2023
Abigail’s Fairy Tale
A short animation made with a mix of frame by frame hand drawings and Adobe After Effects animating. The story is of a girl who grows up, but returns home and becomes nastalgic of her childhood.
Sept 2023
Punch Out
An exercise to practicw using Adobe After Effects. A mix of gifs and static images were used to create a scene of a cat pouncing, a man biking, and a woman jogging a long the hudson river.